19 weeks


Where do I even begin?! 19 weeks have come and just about gone, here are a few things about this pregnancy so far.
1. This pregnancy is by far way different than my first.
2. I had morning sickness all day every day with some days being worse than others starting at 7 weeks and lasted 7-8 weeks. Glad that’s in the past 🙂
3. I’ve had sinus congestion since day one, looks like it may be here for the duration
4. I crave cherry vanilla Pepsi( never really cared for it in the past)
5. I find myself calling this sweet baby a “she”. It’s a good thing we find out next week 🙂
6. Sweet baby seems to be slightly higher than his or her big brother


So there are just a few things regarding my pregnancy so far. Keep your eyes open for a special gender reveal photo to come in the next few weeks 🙂

Then there was 4…


Wow!!! I’m still in a little bit of shock to be honest. I’ve been wanting to add another little one to our family for some time now and have been praying that God will give us another blessing!
The time for my dear friend to make its appearance had come and gone but didn’t think too much of it since it can come a few days late. Well August came and still nothing so I took a test and it came out negative. I was a little sad but knew God was in control and if we were meant to have another baby it would happen! Now we are in the last week of August and something told me take another test…I’m not feeling sick and really don’t have any symptoms but thought why not,it doesn’t hurt. So on Saturday I went out and ran some errands and while out I picked up a test, got home took it and there was a very very faint “+” sign, I ran back out and got another test, two actually and got very faint signs again! I couldn’t handle these faint lines and decided to run up north to Walmart and get a digital test came home took that test and sure enough it said I was “pregnant”! Wow I couldn’t stop smiling and started crying, I thanked God right then and there for giving me a sweet baby. He answered my prayers!
We are so thrilled and excited to be adding another sweet baby to our family, park is going to make a wonderful big brother! Speaking of Park he doesn’t quite understand that there’s a baby in mommy’s tummy he keeps saying, ” No! Baby in my tummy” then points to his belly button and says, “see”!
Can’t wait to go to the doctor and see and hear my little one!
God is So Good!!!!





The longing of a baby


Where do I even start? Since I was just a little girl i have always wanted to have lots of kids and when I say lots I mean 4, lol. A week before my hubby and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary we found out we would be expecting our first baby! Oh how excited we were and I started planning everything! I had a perfect pregnancy and minus the c-section I had a great delivery. On February 27,2011 we had a healthy 8lb 10 oz lil boy! Oh man was he perfect and very quickly became our pride and joy!
A little over a year later I was ready, I mean we were ready to add another sweet baby to our family. Oh how the excitement started to flood in on the thoughts over our son becoming a big brother and having another little one to love. The first few months went by and I never thought twice about us not being pregnant yet, then another few months went by with no luck. Then I started thinking why is it so hard to get pregnant it should be easy but it obviously wasn’t. So I’ve had to deal with the many emotions that come along. I know God is in control and if He wants us to have another then He will allow us to get pregnant but I’ll be honest it’s not always easy being patient and placing it in His hands. I’m reminded daily that God already blessed me far more than I ever deserve with a healthy 2 1/2 year old lil boy and if he is the only one I’m a mom too it’s going to be ok! I’ve been holding onto the following verses the last many many months…
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in The Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.
Psalm 41:10
Be still and know that I am God.
So if it takes many more months or years or I just never get pregnant again I know Gods will is far more perfect than I could ever imagine and He is good!



What a fun filled past few days we have had! VBS was done a tad bit differently this year by starting Sunday morning and going through Wednesday. I personally liked it and thought it worked out great! Park loved each night especially the penny offering, Trash Talk Tommy and Rescue Man!
Here are a few pictures from the week.





